Alpha Luna, Comic by Leonardo Vidal / Aka Licantro "LEO"( Wednesday, September 20, 2006 )






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Full Name : Luna Silvie
Age : 19
Eyes: Amber / Hair : Blue Dark
Race: Werewolf
Height: 1m, 77cm

Luna has lived as a normal girl since she can remember. Although being "normal" is what most makes her wonder what exactly that means.
Her childhood has always been a cloudy mess in her head, unaware of her bloodline gift: the Lycanthropy. The reasons for this, so far, are unknown. In spite of this, she remembers being adopted by Rena-her actual mother-when she was 7, and so she was very conscious of the difference between herself and her peers at school.

Luna entered school when she was 8, so from the beginning, she was a bit odd from the rest of her classmates since she was older...and because of this, she became a reserved person from the rest of the people who talked behind her back.

But for some time, she couldn't even study because her mother Rena got ill from her bad heart, and Luna had to work for most of the time when she was 15. She almost lost a year until she got Collie's help at the end of the first year of Secondary School.
When she was 16, she started to have the same nightmare over and over again... What does it mean? She doesn't have a clue. But the more she dreamed about it, the more she felt it was real and made her feel something truly powerful inside her to fear... What is it? She is too scared to find out.

More info as the comic unfolds her story...


-How do you feel about... people?:
"People aren't that nice. Sometimes they can do mean things if they want... That sucks. So you need to give them a good lesson and hit them if necessary. Why not?… But a few of them are nice, like the people you have most close to you, and that's what really matters, at least for me."

How do you feel about... power?:"Power? I don't have any power, but I can handle an average jackass if I need to."

How do you feel about... love?:"Love is... I'm not sure what love is. I think guys think it's some sort of excuse to act like asses... and I think love does goofy things to you if you let it, so you have to be careful about love, or else it'll hurt you."

How do you feel about... honesty?:"People need to be honest. How can you trust someone who isn't honest with you? I'd never lie to the people I trust. When you make a promise, it means something important not only to you, but to the people who believe in you."

Author's Note:
Luna was born precisely in December of 1997 when I sketched a Werewolf Woman called "Lupina." The same character used a human name as Luna, and so the character evolved from a superhero concept ...(Lupina used a black suit like Batman's Catwoman) to an ordinary girl...Thank goodness =).
There is no graphic model that I have in mind to draw her..(maybe the perfect girl? *grins*), but for a long time, she wasn't going to use short hair and glasses. But then a year ago...I had in mind the idea of a change in an emotional way, as well as her looks.
She will find her true self through these "changes"…with the beast-within theme as the growing-up theme…that bring changes in all senses. She will grow up too in more than one sense...knowing



Alpha Luna © LeonardoVidal 2004, The reproduction of this work whole or in part by electonic media ( webpages) or otherwise ( print ) it's forbidden without the conscent of the autor. All Rights Reserved.
Characters and concept © Leonardo Vidal aka Licantro/Lobo~LEO.

Alpha Luna is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.